Wednesday is books, right? Yeah, I think so. It's not like it really matters. But I'll try to stick with a routine here... Anyway
I just read this book called "Going Too Far" by Jennifer Echols.
It's about this girl who ends up having to spend her spring break riding around in a cop car overnight and then work the following morning at her parents' diner. The entire book takes place over a week and maybe a couple of days--just before spring break when she and her friends are arrested for underage drinking (and in her and her boyfriend's cases, being high as well) in a restricted area. It's an emotional rollercoaster of a book, but it's truly amazing, and it's inspiring. There are a couple of turns in it that I seriously did not expect, but that made it better. I almost cried once, so... It's a really good book. And seriously, look at that cover. Is that not fucking sexy? Gah! It is, for your information, if you hadn't figured that out yet. That chin belongs to the really sexy cop, by the way, just in case you were wondering. The other face is hers. =] It's a really really really good book. I intend to go buy it now, just to have it. Because I want to reread it now. Hahaha.
Aside from that, I'm reading the second book in the "Confessions of Georgia Nicolson" series, "On The Bright Side, I'm Now the Girlfriend of a Sex God"
Boy is that a mouthful.
It's just continuation of her journals and the story of her life. Keep in mind that she's only 14, so "sex god" only means he's really hot. haha. Just looking at that back, I don't know that I can really agree with her. I mean, yeah, he's got nice shoulders, but... Maybe he has a really nice chest or something. Haha. ANYWAY, she has to go to New Zealand for a week over the summer, and she's all depressed because, well, look at the title, will you? I don't know a whole lot about the book because I'm not very far into it yet. Supposedly though, I think according to the back of the book but don't quote me on this, he breaks up with her because she's too young, though...sooooo.....yeah. Depressing day, man. But the next few books apparently make up for it. She's a little bit of a vixen in the future from what I've gathered. Hahaha. But who knows? I'll keep you updated as I get to it.
Other than that, I'm not reading much... Actually, I'm really not reading much of anything at all.
However, in my English class, we're doing a "short" poetry unit and we just read one by E. E. Cummings, and I decided that I really like him. I'm going to post one here. It's not the one we read, but that hardly matters. =]
since feeling is first
E. E. Cummings
since feeling is first
who pays any attention
to the syntax of things
will never wholly kiss you
wholly to be a fool
while Spring is in the world
my blood approves,
and kisses are a better fate
than wisdom
lady i swear by all flowers. Don't cry
--the best gesture of my brain is less than
your eyelids' flutter which says
we are for each other: then
laugh, leaning back in my arms
for life's not a paragraph
And i think death is no parenthesis
He seriously didn't capitalize "I" or anything. I wrote it as he did. I just really love it. It says something interesting, and it's probably different for each person, so I'm just going to let you think your thoughts on it and keep mine to myself for now. =)
Until next time, with love,
Post Playlist (yay
West Coast Friendship--Owl City (Maybe I'm Dreaming)
Did You Get My Message?--Jason Mraz (Mr. A-Z)
Stay Young--We The Kings (We The Kings)
I Hate to Say "I Told You So"--The Prize Fight (The Process EP)
Someday You Will be Loved--Death Cab for Cutie (Plans)
The Fortunate--Cartel (Cartel)
This is a blog that does not focus on the mundane and inconsequential life of a teenage girl in Nowheresville, North Dakota, but on a collection of semi-random subjects with strains of personal-life influence. Well... okay, perhaps more than "strains," but indulge my understatement, please. :)
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Once Again...
It's been awhile. My apologies. Life is so randomly hectic anymore it's ridiculous. A slight bit obscene. I don't think I'm terribly impressed.
AP announced that AFI is on the cover of December's issue...but I'm thinking they maybe mean November, because it's...kind of still October... But what do I know? Maybe they DO mean December. Regardless, I'll be getting my hands on it, thank you. Any way to get more of Davey's and Jade's faces in my life is a good one. Speaking of their faces, I need to get my poster back up on my wall. =/ Oops.
I've come to the realization that... maybe I'm not as unattractive as I think I am. This isn't...necessarily a bad realization, just...kind of an odd one. I don't know how to take it, exactly... [shrugs] I don't know. It's hard to explain...
I got a letter from my best friend yesterday. (She moved to Bloomington in August.) She didn't have much of anything terribly positive to remark about, either. We're just...ugh; we share such positive letters. I try. I really do. I dislike to send such negative things, but... =/ When that's what you've got to say... what can you do?
Just listening to Your Guardian Angel, I totally had an emotional flashback to when I got that album... Man... What a feeling...
And that ends the playlist, because now my dad is watching Transformers 2...Blue-ray...heh... maybe I'll join him... It was a really good show! Sooo...yeah, that ends this!
Until next time, With love.
Playlist!! ( and then own library):
Hand Grenade--Hadley (Never Too Late)
My Mind's Eye--Sirenia (Nine Destinies and a Downfall)
I Know Where You Sleep--Emilie Autumn (Opheliac)
Pompeii--E. R. Posthumus (Unearthed)
See Through--Megan McCauley (Better than Blood)
Your Guardian Angel--The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus (Don't You Fake It)
6 Months--Hey Monday (Hold On Tight)
Plainsong--The Cure (Disintegraton)
AP announced that AFI is on the cover of December's issue...but I'm thinking they maybe mean November, because it's...kind of still October... But what do I know? Maybe they DO mean December. Regardless, I'll be getting my hands on it, thank you. Any way to get more of Davey's and Jade's faces in my life is a good one. Speaking of their faces, I need to get my poster back up on my wall. =/ Oops.
I've come to the realization that... maybe I'm not as unattractive as I think I am. This isn't...necessarily a bad realization, just...kind of an odd one. I don't know how to take it, exactly... [shrugs] I don't know. It's hard to explain...
I got a letter from my best friend yesterday. (She moved to Bloomington in August.) She didn't have much of anything terribly positive to remark about, either. We're just...ugh; we share such positive letters. I try. I really do. I dislike to send such negative things, but... =/ When that's what you've got to say... what can you do?
Just listening to Your Guardian Angel, I totally had an emotional flashback to when I got that album... Man... What a feeling...
And that ends the playlist, because now my dad is watching Transformers 2...Blue-ray...heh... maybe I'll join him... It was a really good show! Sooo...yeah, that ends this!
Until next time, With love.
Playlist!! ( and then own library):
Hand Grenade--Hadley (Never Too Late)
My Mind's Eye--Sirenia (Nine Destinies and a Downfall)
I Know Where You Sleep--Emilie Autumn (Opheliac)
Pompeii--E. R. Posthumus (Unearthed)
See Through--Megan McCauley (Better than Blood)
Your Guardian Angel--The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus (Don't You Fake It)
6 Months--Hey Monday (Hold On Tight)
Plainsong--The Cure (Disintegraton)
Friday, October 16, 2009
Free Period
So I'm bored. And I feel like blogging. So here I am! Yay. Right.
Anyway, I meant to post yesterday, but I never got it finished and then my computer was being a complete flipping tard. It was really, really annoying. I was terribly unimpressed. But oh well.
So yesterday I woke up with the strangest urge to color. So I spent the entire day coloring. Haha. I know, it's like, you're HOW old? But it was fun. ^^ I'm allowed to regress back to 4th grade once in awhile aren't I? I think so.
The only problem with deciding to blog is that I don't really know what to talk about. I'm thinking that I should be posting in my other blog...because yeah...but oh well. Maybe I'll just post a playlist for the class period, as long as I'm in school. I'll listen to music, list each song I listen to, blah blah blah. Maybe put up some album artwork... nah. Because I'm writing and all, know.
Post Playlist, courtesy of
Swimming in Miami--Owl City (Of June)
You Are The One--Shiny Toy Guns (We Are Pilots)
Hey Driver--Lucky Boys Confusion (Commitment [Explicit])
Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous--Good Charlotte (The Young and Hopeless)
Prayer of the Refugee--Rise Against (The Sufferer and The Witness)
Well, this could've been a lot onger, but I got distracted by youtube videos...and Charlie the unicorn. Oh. My.God. SO RETARDED, but actually strangely funny.... Ugh. I think I'm slightly dumber now...
Until next time, with love,
Anyway, I meant to post yesterday, but I never got it finished and then my computer was being a complete flipping tard. It was really, really annoying. I was terribly unimpressed. But oh well.
So yesterday I woke up with the strangest urge to color. So I spent the entire day coloring. Haha. I know, it's like, you're HOW old? But it was fun. ^^ I'm allowed to regress back to 4th grade once in awhile aren't I? I think so.
The only problem with deciding to blog is that I don't really know what to talk about. I'm thinking that I should be posting in my other blog...because yeah...but oh well. Maybe I'll just post a playlist for the class period, as long as I'm in school. I'll listen to music, list each song I listen to, blah blah blah. Maybe put up some album artwork... nah. Because I'm writing and all, know.
Post Playlist, courtesy of
Swimming in Miami--Owl City (Of June)
You Are The One--Shiny Toy Guns (We Are Pilots)
Hey Driver--Lucky Boys Confusion (Commitment [Explicit])
Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous--Good Charlotte (The Young and Hopeless)
Prayer of the Refugee--Rise Against (The Sufferer and The Witness)
Well, this could've been a lot onger, but I got distracted by youtube videos...and Charlie the unicorn. Oh. My.God. SO RETARDED, but actually strangely funny.... Ugh. I think I'm slightly dumber now...
Until next time, with love,
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
¡Buenas tardes! ¿Cómo estas? ¡Muy bien! ¿Y tú?
Okay, I'm done now. Sorry for the Spanish. I'm taking Spanish I this year and, strangely enough, I'm actually really enjoying it. I figure it must stem from my love of language; I guess that it doesn't just include English. Haha. I'm good at language(s).
Anyway. I believe Wednesday's topic is books, and even if it's not--which I know it is because I remember the last time I posted on Wednesday--I'm gonna talk about books anyway. So there. Stick that in your juice box and suck it.
So I went shopping Monday night and I was going to order the next book in the series I've been reading, and the guy types it into his computer and goes "Seventh book?"
"Um, yeah, I think so."
"Looks like this?" He turns his computer and shows me a very provocative book cover, rather indicative of Hamilton's story line--and obviously what I was looking for.
"Yeah, that one," I confirmed with a nod.
"It's not published yet."
I was devastated. It was tragic. Anybody who doesn't read books like I do wouldn't understand, but it was truly tragic. November 20th, though. So at least it's not terribly far away.... Actually it is, but never mind. Just means I'll actually have to read my other books, haha.
Speaking of other books, I'm reading Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging: Confessions of Georgia Nicolson by Louise Rennison. It's about this 14-year-old British girl and it's fricken hilarious. It's written as a journal, and it's terribly amusing. I've gotten to a point where I don't generally enjoy books about kids at age, like, 14....but I like this one a lot. I don't know why; I just don't. It's hard to explain. It's kind of like "yeah, whatever" I think... I don't know. There's just something about kids that age that bothers me a whole hell of a lot. And don't roll your eyes at me, because I didn't like us when I was that age, either. Someone's saying "wait, she didn't like herself because of her age?" No, I didn't like myself and/or my peers because of the mentalities/states of mind that we were in because of our age. So there.
Anyway! About ATAFFS. She goes to an all-girls' school and they have to wear berets--which causes some rather amusing journal entries--but anyway, as all 14-year-olds are, boys are her main focus, haha. (I won't bother denying it. They were mine, too. Well, okay, not main, but they were definitely a key focus.) And she has a totally massive bizarro cat named Angus. haha. I know, right? There's an amusing story with that, too. So far, I have in my possession books 1-4, and I'm pretty excited about it. haha.
One of my best friends also gave me My Fair Godmother by Janette Rallison to read, but I haven't started it yet. She said it was really good though. Despite a little cliche, which isn't always bad.
But I'm gonna conclude our book talk for today because my choir class just started and I really ought to get to that, haha. My conductor's pretty cool, and I spent my EIE period in his office because another class was using the room. So anyway.
Until next time, With love,
Post Playlist (courtesy of
Down--Something Corporate (North)
Rooftops (A Liberation Broadcast)--Lostprophets (Liberation Transmission)
The Rock Show--Blink 182 (Take Off Your Pants and Jacket [Explicit])\
Forward Motion--Reliant K (Two Lefts Don't Make a Right...But Three Do)
Memory--Sugarcult (Palm Trees and Power Lines)
Blurry--Puddle of Mudd (Come Clean)
Dance Inside--The All-American Rejects (Move Along)
You Found Me--The Fray (The Fray)
I Don't Know About You, But I Came to Party--Forever the Sickest Kids (Television Off, Party On EP)
She Is the West Coast--That Was Something (Down But Not Out)
Okay, I'm done now. Sorry for the Spanish. I'm taking Spanish I this year and, strangely enough, I'm actually really enjoying it. I figure it must stem from my love of language; I guess that it doesn't just include English. Haha. I'm good at language(s).
Anyway. I believe Wednesday's topic is books, and even if it's not--which I know it is because I remember the last time I posted on Wednesday--I'm gonna talk about books anyway. So there. Stick that in your juice box and suck it.
So I went shopping Monday night and I was going to order the next book in the series I've been reading, and the guy types it into his computer and goes "Seventh book?"
"Um, yeah, I think so."
"Looks like this?" He turns his computer and shows me a very provocative book cover, rather indicative of Hamilton's story line--and obviously what I was looking for.
"Yeah, that one," I confirmed with a nod.
"It's not published yet."
I was devastated. It was tragic. Anybody who doesn't read books like I do wouldn't understand, but it was truly tragic. November 20th, though. So at least it's not terribly far away.... Actually it is, but never mind. Just means I'll actually have to read my other books, haha.
Speaking of other books, I'm reading Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging: Confessions of Georgia Nicolson by Louise Rennison. It's about this 14-year-old British girl and it's fricken hilarious. It's written as a journal, and it's terribly amusing. I've gotten to a point where I don't generally enjoy books about kids at age, like, 14....but I like this one a lot. I don't know why; I just don't. It's hard to explain. It's kind of like "yeah, whatever" I think... I don't know. There's just something about kids that age that bothers me a whole hell of a lot. And don't roll your eyes at me, because I didn't like us when I was that age, either. Someone's saying "wait, she didn't like herself because of her age?" No, I didn't like myself and/or my peers because of the mentalities/states of mind that we were in because of our age. So there.
Anyway! About ATAFFS. She goes to an all-girls' school and they have to wear berets--which causes some rather amusing journal entries--but anyway, as all 14-year-olds are, boys are her main focus, haha. (I won't bother denying it. They were mine, too. Well, okay, not main, but they were definitely a key focus.) And she has a totally massive bizarro cat named Angus. haha. I know, right? There's an amusing story with that, too. So far, I have in my possession books 1-4, and I'm pretty excited about it. haha.
One of my best friends also gave me My Fair Godmother by Janette Rallison to read, but I haven't started it yet. She said it was really good though. Despite a little cliche, which isn't always bad.
But I'm gonna conclude our book talk for today because my choir class just started and I really ought to get to that, haha. My conductor's pretty cool, and I spent my EIE period in his office because another class was using the room. So anyway.
Until next time, With love,
Post Playlist (courtesy of
Down--Something Corporate (North)
Rooftops (A Liberation Broadcast)--Lostprophets (Liberation Transmission)
The Rock Show--Blink 182 (Take Off Your Pants and Jacket [Explicit])\
Forward Motion--Reliant K (Two Lefts Don't Make a Right...But Three Do)
Memory--Sugarcult (Palm Trees and Power Lines)
Blurry--Puddle of Mudd (Come Clean)
Dance Inside--The All-American Rejects (Move Along)
You Found Me--The Fray (The Fray)
I Don't Know About You, But I Came to Party--Forever the Sickest Kids (Television Off, Party On EP)
She Is the West Coast--That Was Something (Down But Not Out)
Monday, October 12, 2009
Music Monday
Goodness gracious, it's been a disastrously long time since I've posted anything here. Two weeks, a little more? Something along those lines. September 29-October 12; that makes 14 days--exactly two weeks. Damn it, I'm good! haha. Anyway, moving along.
So, in the past two weeks, I've bought 10 CDs. [scratches back of neck in slight sheepishness] Oh, who am I kidding? I'm not ashamed of myself in the least. Other girls buy clothes, makeup, shoes--I buy those, too, just not as much--with their money, I buy music. It's a damn good investment, if you ask me. So there.
I figured out one day last week--Wednesday, actually; the day of my dentist appointment--that I have bought at least 59 CDs this year. And those are the ones I recall buying in 09, not 08. It's give or take, but I'm pretty sure I'm right. From here on out, I'm counting. I've already spent $600+ on music alone this year. And I have bought clothes, makeup, shoes, notebooks and writing utensils, food, et cetera. That adds up to a fuckload of money I've spent this year, dude. My teacher gave us some statistic about how much money teens spend in a year, but I never really believed him. I think, starting January, I might start keeping receipts and adding shit up. Talk about a very scary endeavor. =S
Anyway! Back to the music I've bought in the past 2 weeks!
The albums consist of:
AFI--Crash Love
Breathe Carolina--"Hello Fascination"
Never Shout Never--The Summer EP
Jeffree Star--Beauty Killer
Saosin--In Search of Solid Ground
Mayday Parade--Anywhere But Here
Relient K--Forget and Not Slow Down
Thousand Foot Krutch--Welcome to the Masquerade
All Time Low--Put Up or Shut Up
Paramore--Brand New Eyes
AFI's is abso-fucking-lutely amazing as HELL. I love it a lot.
Breathe Carolina's is definitely an impressive progression from "It's Classy, Not Classic." Both of them are awesome albums, full of the cool electric stuff that I love so much and poppy/punky screamo. I'm quite impressed.
Never Shout Never was surprisingly adorable, and pretty much exactly the opposite of what I was expecting. It was double cool with knobs, as the Brit in my book (Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging: Confessions of Georgia Nicolson by Louise Rennison) puts it--meaning incredibly cool, just without all the "very"s that people might throw in, like "very very very cool"--anyway--and "I Just Smile" when I listen to it. I'll definitely have to be on the lookout for their other albums.
Jeffree Star's album is pretty much as fricken awesome as I was expecting it to be. Jeffree is as beautifully cocky and....somewhat always, but this time in a full-length, 12-tracked CD available in stores like Target, in bigger cities than where I'm at. Which is okay, because we have a Hot Topic, which is where I buy 95% of my music anyway. Lollipop Luxury, which was on the "Cupcakes Taste Like Violence" EP has been redone just a bit and placed on the album. Prisoner, found on the Warped Tour Compilation Album 2009, is also on Beauty Killer, along with the title track, Louis Vuitton Body Bag--which taught me how to correctly say the name of that designer, oops, haha--and Getting Away With Murder, all with their fair share of "I'm beautiful, love me!" and violence. For example, Louis Vuitton Body Bag starts out with "stab you with scissors, and let's hold hands." Friendly mix of "I hate you" and "let's be friends =)!" Only...haha, not so much.
Saosin's new album is...a completely new ball game from the last, and I really, really love it. It seems as though my musical tastes are evolving along with the bands' that I listen to. Anyway. There's not quite as much screaming on this album as the last, and I'm 100% okay with that. Don't get me wrong, I like good screamo, but... I prefer singing in my music. I'm sure all the "metal-heads" (listening to screamo, which is pretty much an emo rip-off of metal--an opinion for which I'll get ripped up by others for) out there are glaring at their screens when/if they read this. But like I said, I like my fair share of screamo, but there's just something about being able to SING along with my music... I'm not so big on screaming along...just saying. ANYWAY. The album is really good, and I recommend at least going and looking at it. I thoroughly enjoy it. All of it.
Mayday Parade's new album is definitely my favorite along with AFI's. It's absolutely amazing. Bruised and Scarred is in my mind constantly, and I don't mind at all, because I completely love it. There's a certain hope, or...something...on this album that the last didn't have--in respect to the words, I mean. There's just a completely different feel to it, for me, at least. I don't know about the rest of you. But then, I'm in a different state of mind than I used to be. Maybe that has something to do with it. I don't know. Regardless, Anywhere But Here is a beautiful, inspiring album. I've used quotes from a couple of the songs in my messenger displays already. Definitely a #1 recommendation. Go buy it! NOW! haha. Kidding. But seriously.
Relient K's new album is all right. I mean, it's Relient K. Has their sound ever changed? I'm not certain. Regardless, the vocals are still nice, and the guitars are still pretty good. They're still Christian, still pretty soft, still Relient K. But I like them that way. So "just another RK album" is still a plus.
Skillet's new album makes me think that they had all of this planned out. Collide, Comatose, Awake. Hm. Sensing a pattern? I don't know. I sure as hell am. Anyway, it's a really amazing, powerful album. Lucy made me teary-eyed, but I didn't actually cry. I was on the road to work, actually; crying wasn't much of an option. But Monster is really moving, Awake is strong and fast, and it's just reflected in the entire album. It's Not Me It's You is another really good listen. I give the album a solid 4.5 stars, lacking the final .5 because, still, though Skillet is amazing, and so is Comatose, Awake is just a touch of a repeat on Comatose. I mean, the sounds are so similar. Actually, on second thought, I'm going to make it a 4.75, because it's different enough to make another quarter point. Also a #1 recommendation.
Thousand Foot Krutch's album is definitely just more TFK. I mean, shit, don't get me wrong, it's good and all, but it's just another album of the same-old. I'll like it a lot for awhile, and then it'll just be more music, and then I won't even feel like listening to it for awhile. Just like the other albums. Not a good track record... Oh well, they put on a really good concert. I was impressed. One of the first live bands I ever saw, so it's still a fond memory. And I have a hat. ^^ haha. I like it. Don't wear it much, but I like it. The one really interesting thing about this album is that the "chick" on the front cover, looks strangely like a man. Seriously! Look at that jaw line! It's intensely masculine. Maybe it's me? But inside the cover, it's got a chick holding the mask, and she looks fine. I don't know. I know that "she's" got long hair there, and her lips are...somewhat plumpish but so what? Guys have long hair! And some have nice lips! It's just weird, that's all. I'm terribly sorry if I just offended some chick with a strong, masculine jawline. I also unfortunately have some strangely masculine traits, too... but I prefer to think that most are personality wise, haha. =S shutting up now.
Post Playlist (courtesy of first my Zune and then
End Transmission--AFI (Crash Love)
Miseria Cantara-The Beginning--AFI (Sing the Sorrow)
When I Get Home, You're So Dead--Mayday Parade (Tales Told by Dead Friends)
Like a Knife--Secondhand Serenade (A Twist in My Story)
Heels Over Head--Boys Like Girls (Boys Like Girls)
Running From Lions--All Time Low (Put Up or Shut Up)
When I Grow Up--Mayday Parade (Punk Goes Pop: Vol. II) [Pussycat Dolls cover]
Sweat the Battle Before The Battle Sweats You--Cute is What We Aim For (The Same Old Blood Rush (With a New Touch))
I Want to Save You--Something Corporate (Leaving Through the Window)
Your Call--Secondhand Serenade (A Twist in My Story)
Myspace Girl--The Afters (Never Going Back to OK)
Everything You Ever Wanted--Hawk Nelson (Smile, It's the End of the World)
Captain's Chair--Sanctus Real (Fight the Tide)
Letters to the President--Hawk Nelson (Letters to the President)
Gone--Switchfoot (The Beautiful Letdown)
One Real Thing--Skillet (Alien Youth)
When Our Hearts Sing--Rush of Fools (Rush of Fools)
Sing--Sanctus Real (We Need Each Other)
Meant to Live--Switchfoot (The Beautiful Letdown)
We Change, We Wait--The Maine (The Way We Talk)
The Way She Moves--Forever the Sickest Kids (Underdog Alma Matter)
F.C.P.R.E.M.I.X--The Fall of Troy (Doppleganger)
So, in the past two weeks, I've bought 10 CDs. [scratches back of neck in slight sheepishness] Oh, who am I kidding? I'm not ashamed of myself in the least. Other girls buy clothes, makeup, shoes--I buy those, too, just not as much--with their money, I buy music. It's a damn good investment, if you ask me. So there.
I figured out one day last week--Wednesday, actually; the day of my dentist appointment--that I have bought at least 59 CDs this year. And those are the ones I recall buying in 09, not 08. It's give or take, but I'm pretty sure I'm right. From here on out, I'm counting. I've already spent $600+ on music alone this year. And I have bought clothes, makeup, shoes, notebooks and writing utensils, food, et cetera. That adds up to a fuckload of money I've spent this year, dude. My teacher gave us some statistic about how much money teens spend in a year, but I never really believed him. I think, starting January, I might start keeping receipts and adding shit up. Talk about a very scary endeavor. =S
Anyway! Back to the music I've bought in the past 2 weeks!
The albums consist of:
AFI--Crash Love
Breathe Carolina--"Hello Fascination"
Never Shout Never--The Summer EP
Jeffree Star--Beauty Killer
Saosin--In Search of Solid Ground
Mayday Parade--Anywhere But Here
Relient K--Forget and Not Slow Down
Thousand Foot Krutch--Welcome to the Masquerade
All Time Low--Put Up or Shut Up
Paramore--Brand New Eyes
AFI's is abso-fucking-lutely amazing as HELL. I love it a lot.
Breathe Carolina's is definitely an impressive progression from "It's Classy, Not Classic." Both of them are awesome albums, full of the cool electric stuff that I love so much and poppy/punky screamo. I'm quite impressed.
Never Shout Never was surprisingly adorable, and pretty much exactly the opposite of what I was expecting. It was double cool with knobs, as the Brit in my book (Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging: Confessions of Georgia Nicolson by Louise Rennison) puts it--meaning incredibly cool, just without all the "very"s that people might throw in, like "very very very cool"--anyway--and "I Just Smile" when I listen to it. I'll definitely have to be on the lookout for their other albums.
Jeffree Star's album is pretty much as fricken awesome as I was expecting it to be. Jeffree is as beautifully cocky and....somewhat always, but this time in a full-length, 12-tracked CD available in stores like Target, in bigger cities than where I'm at. Which is okay, because we have a Hot Topic, which is where I buy 95% of my music anyway. Lollipop Luxury, which was on the "Cupcakes Taste Like Violence" EP has been redone just a bit and placed on the album. Prisoner, found on the Warped Tour Compilation Album 2009, is also on Beauty Killer, along with the title track, Louis Vuitton Body Bag--which taught me how to correctly say the name of that designer, oops, haha--and Getting Away With Murder, all with their fair share of "I'm beautiful, love me!" and violence. For example, Louis Vuitton Body Bag starts out with "stab you with scissors, and let's hold hands." Friendly mix of "I hate you" and "let's be friends =)!" Only...haha, not so much.
Saosin's new album is...a completely new ball game from the last, and I really, really love it. It seems as though my musical tastes are evolving along with the bands' that I listen to. Anyway. There's not quite as much screaming on this album as the last, and I'm 100% okay with that. Don't get me wrong, I like good screamo, but... I prefer singing in my music. I'm sure all the "metal-heads" (listening to screamo, which is pretty much an emo rip-off of metal--an opinion for which I'll get ripped up by others for) out there are glaring at their screens when/if they read this. But like I said, I like my fair share of screamo, but there's just something about being able to SING along with my music... I'm not so big on screaming along...just saying. ANYWAY. The album is really good, and I recommend at least going and looking at it. I thoroughly enjoy it. All of it.
Mayday Parade's new album is definitely my favorite along with AFI's. It's absolutely amazing. Bruised and Scarred is in my mind constantly, and I don't mind at all, because I completely love it. There's a certain hope, or...something...on this album that the last didn't have--in respect to the words, I mean. There's just a completely different feel to it, for me, at least. I don't know about the rest of you. But then, I'm in a different state of mind than I used to be. Maybe that has something to do with it. I don't know. Regardless, Anywhere But Here is a beautiful, inspiring album. I've used quotes from a couple of the songs in my messenger displays already. Definitely a #1 recommendation. Go buy it! NOW! haha. Kidding. But seriously.
Relient K's new album is all right. I mean, it's Relient K. Has their sound ever changed? I'm not certain. Regardless, the vocals are still nice, and the guitars are still pretty good. They're still Christian, still pretty soft, still Relient K. But I like them that way. So "just another RK album" is still a plus.
Skillet's new album makes me think that they had all of this planned out. Collide, Comatose, Awake. Hm. Sensing a pattern? I don't know. I sure as hell am. Anyway, it's a really amazing, powerful album. Lucy made me teary-eyed, but I didn't actually cry. I was on the road to work, actually; crying wasn't much of an option. But Monster is really moving, Awake is strong and fast, and it's just reflected in the entire album. It's Not Me It's You is another really good listen. I give the album a solid 4.5 stars, lacking the final .5 because, still, though Skillet is amazing, and so is Comatose, Awake is just a touch of a repeat on Comatose. I mean, the sounds are so similar. Actually, on second thought, I'm going to make it a 4.75, because it's different enough to make another quarter point. Also a #1 recommendation.
All Time Low's sophomore album, Put Up or Shut Up. It's fun. Definitely as fun as the next two, which, of course, I do own. I don't have a lot to say about this album, except that Jacie Ray is definitely my favorite song on it. Oh, and I still rather love Alex Gaskarth. haha
And lastly, Paramore's newest, Brand New Eyes... It's good. They've gotten really, really, REALLY big since Twilight, because they've got a couple of songs on the album. I need to go get that, speaking of which. The soundtrack, not the movie. I didn't like the movie. The soundtrack rocks, though. (Oh, and just saying, I was a fan of Supermassive Black Hole and Muse LONG before Twilight. So there.) Anyway. Paramore. It's a good album, but I don't have to say a lot about it since "everyone who's anyone will have this album anyway." Maybe not. I don't know. But Hayley's voice is still awesome and fiery red--I see voices in color to clear things up--and the guitar is still moving and clean. I like it. The drum beats are pretty damn cool, too.
Thankfully that wraps things up, because the bell for the end of the day rings in 2 minutes. Hah. SO!
Until next time, with love
End Transmission--AFI (Crash Love)
Miseria Cantara-The Beginning--AFI (Sing the Sorrow)
When I Get Home, You're So Dead--Mayday Parade (Tales Told by Dead Friends)
Like a Knife--Secondhand Serenade (A Twist in My Story)
Heels Over Head--Boys Like Girls (Boys Like Girls)
Running From Lions--All Time Low (Put Up or Shut Up)
When I Grow Up--Mayday Parade (Punk Goes Pop: Vol. II) [Pussycat Dolls cover]
Sweat the Battle Before The Battle Sweats You--Cute is What We Aim For (The Same Old Blood Rush (With a New Touch))
I Want to Save You--Something Corporate (Leaving Through the Window)
Your Call--Secondhand Serenade (A Twist in My Story)
Myspace Girl--The Afters (Never Going Back to OK)
Everything You Ever Wanted--Hawk Nelson (Smile, It's the End of the World)
Captain's Chair--Sanctus Real (Fight the Tide)
Letters to the President--Hawk Nelson (Letters to the President)
Gone--Switchfoot (The Beautiful Letdown)
One Real Thing--Skillet (Alien Youth)
When Our Hearts Sing--Rush of Fools (Rush of Fools)
Sing--Sanctus Real (We Need Each Other)
Meant to Live--Switchfoot (The Beautiful Letdown)
We Change, We Wait--The Maine (The Way We Talk)
The Way She Moves--Forever the Sickest Kids (Underdog Alma Matter)
F.C.P.R.E.M.I.X--The Fall of Troy (Doppleganger)
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