Anyway. So what's Wednesday supposed to be anyway? I totally cannot remember. I'm hyper right now, by the way. I don't know why; I'm tired as hell. But somehow here I sit, hyper and annoying. HAH! As if I'm ever anything but annoying.
No, I'm kidding. That in itself is annoying, and I didn't really mean it. Well, I might have sorta meant it, but never mind. I don't hate myself that much.
OH! BOOKS! Duh. I knew that.
So this is a book I just got done reading--All Q, No A: More Tales of a 10th-Grade Social Climber by Lauren Mechling and Laura Moser.
Funny... I never realized it was cowritten...
Anyway. Yeah. It's the sequel to "Rise and Fall of a 10th-Grade Social Climber" which I read... as a sophomore, actually, hahaha. Maybe a freshman? It seems like it was a really long time ago. But I'm pretty sure it was last year.
It wraps up a lot of loose ends from the first book, which is good, because I remember longing desperately for more at the time, haha. But it's got its own little plot, and it must've been what I was looking for at the time when I picked it up at the library, because I read it in 2.5 days. Haha. I used to do that a lot. Now it takes me awhile longer to read things because I get so side tracked. But it's a good read, definitely. If you've read the first one, you'll want to pick up the 2nd.
Anyway. It's called Feeling Sorry for Celia by Jaclyn Moriarty, and it's actually an Australian book! Takes place in Australia and everything. I think it's really cool.
But it's written entirely in letter/note format. It's great. She gets notes and letters from all of these funny little societies (not really, it's basically just like, story information/filler and stuff. It's hard to explain) and then these strange, random notes from her mother. And then her English teacher has decided that kids need to relearn the joy of the envelope, so he's making them write letters back and forth to kids in the school a few blocks away. So pretty much, this complete stranger very soon knows more about her than anybody else and gets in on her struggles with her best friend, Celia, who... well... her family's one of those weird "free spirit" families that you see around? Where the mom thinks that anything her baby does is absolutely joyous and she has every right to explore her own world of her own volition in her own way. It kind of becomes a disaster. Hence the title. But I'm not quite finished with it, so I'm anxious to see how it ends
And to get it returned to the libary! It's due on the 19th, but I'm not going to be here! ACK! I need to get it there somehow... oi.
And then I'm reading book 7 in my kinky Laurell K. Hamilton series. It's really good. Dramatic, obviously; is Hamilton anything but? Regardless, I'm not reading it very actively right now because I've gotten into a light-reading phase. It's hanging out in my purse, actually. So it's not like I never read it, haha. Just not as much lately.
AND I STILL HAVE TO READ DEATHWISH! GOD! Erg. I need to do that. I promised Tara that I'd bring it with me when I went to see her, but I haven't finished it and that's just dumb. =/ She'll want to discuss it and I won't be able to because I'm not DONE! I need to read more. =/
Anyway, that's about it for the time being. I've only got so much material that I'm actually reading. I've got a lot of material, but I'm only reading them a couple at a time. It's vaguely ridiculous. haha...
Until next time, with love,
"Arise and be all that you dreamed, all that you dreamed."
--Arise: Flyleaf (Momento Mori)
Post playlist (
Feel Good Drag--Anberlin: Never Take Friendship Personal
Bruised--Jack's Mannequin: Everything in Transit
Marching Bands of Manhattan--Death Cab for Cutie: Plans
You--Switchfoot: The Early Years 1997-2000
Bring Me to Life--Thousand Foot Krutch: Welcome to the Masquerade
Dying to Live--Jonah 33: The Heart of War
Ignition--TobyMac: Portable Sounds