Remind me to go post something in my other blog. It's important. Thanks, I knew I could count on you.
Sooooooooo... Friday.... Oh, Friday is "do whatever" day isn't it? Well, since I missed my album cover day, I'ma do that. At least at first. Cause I can. So there.
Vanessa Hudgens--Identified.
Why would she do this to herself? Like, seriously! She's so pretty and this album cover makes her look awful! I mean, she looks washed out and like... on drugs or something... A bit on the slow side--if you know what I mean. Her eyes are empty, her mouth is... weird....and her hair's a mess. It's not pretty. I do not get it. I don't get it at all. Another pretty girl portraying herself terribly. *le sigh*
Next album iiiiiiiiss...
Kay, so just gonna start by saying the album is amazing. Love it all.
Anyway. Album cover. Right.
I really like the effect that she gave it, ya know? Like, I love that it's black and white but her lips are gold and her name and album title are totally glitter-fied. It's so... fun! And Ke$ha's all about fun, so I really think this album cover represents her and her music well. It's fun to look at, it's cool, and it's real. And I think Ke$ha herself is absolutely gorgeous. She has a really, really nice face. Not gonna lie, if I were a guy (or a lesbian) I'd totally want her. I'm not and I think she's hot! haha. Go Ke$ha. Two thumbs up.
I don't get it. I totally DO NOT get it. I know I listened to a... a.... um... ohhhh what's it called? OH! A webcast! with you guys about this album and I know you guys talked about it and all, but like, I seriously... What's the point of having an album cover/artwork or whatever that has absolutely nothing to do with anything? It's a... what'd they say? War beetle or somethign? Saosin's first album isn't about war, at least not as far as I can tell. I mean, I really love this band and everything, but their album art just doesn't make sense to me. Oh well. Can't always have everything.
Once again, starting with saying it's a great album. Now that that's out of the way--
I really do like this album art. It's colorful, bright, and it's... mysterious. Like, it's intriguing to me. I could sit and stare at it for long periods of time and make personal discoveries about it, or myself, or about life in general just by observations made here and the application of my philosophical tendencies. I really like it. It makes sense--in a detached, slightly ambiguous kind of way--and it's pretty! I don't know... but I like that the girl's head is fire to keep the balloon up.
Weeeeeell I ran out of class period, so I'm going to end this here, okay? Great, thanks. Sounds good. I'm so glad you agree. (=
Until next time, with love,