Hello. I don't know who I'm greeting--probably nobody--but I'll say hello anyway, because it only seems polite. C=
My name is Emily. I live in Nowheresville, North Dakota...otherwise known as Stanley. It's this little nothing of a town that you'd be lucky to find on a map, about 2 1/2 hours west of the capital. Like I correctly dubbed it earlier: Nowheresville.
(By the way, that's me, [= right over there.)
I'm 16, at present. Most people would never guess that, which is why I'm going to tell you. Most people, for whatever reason, seem to think I'm at least 18, generally closer to 24. I don't get it. I don't personally think I look 24, but that's me. I suppose it's the way I carry myself and the fact that I speak like an intelligent adult. (At least I like to think so.)
I attend Stanley High School. I have since 7th grade, and before that, I attended Stanley Elementary School. I'm a junior this year--putting me in 11th grade, if you never figured out that system (or you're Canadian and don't use it. Either way)--and I got elected as class secretary. So...I don't really know what that job entails---probably nothing, really--but I'm ready for it. I'm so ready to graduate, you have no idea. (Actually, you might, but never mind.)
I've moved three times in my entire life: the first move was from Montgomery, Alabama to Stanley when I was a year and a half old; the second was from Stanley to the farm I live on; the final was across the yard, from my old house to the one I live in now. Thrilling, isn't it? Exactly.
I work at Cenex. It's a gas station. And the one I work at is likely one of the busiest in my half of the state. It's rather wild in there, and we're not set up for the kind of business we're getting, so it's kind of a zoo. All the time. Because we're open...all the time. Literally. We never close. Although, we're doing a bunch of renovations and stuff right now--well, trying to, anyway--and if I'm getting this correct, we're going to be closing for a few hours at night, probably between 1 and 4 a.m. So yeah....But I never work that shift, so I'm totally good with that. C=
I'm a writer. No, not just a blogger, but a writer. If I actually manage to publish anything, I can even call myself an author. I think. I probably won't, but it'd be fun to do once in awhile, right? Exactly. Glad we had that talk.
Anyway--ha, sorry--I write fiction. Exclusively. Well...okay, not "Exclusively," because I started writing this little thing about how I write--never mind; long story--but 99.98% of what I write is fiction. Fantasy, science fiction, teen fiction, "romance"--mostly minus the sex part--what have you. If it crosses my mind it probably crosses my paper. C'est la vi. But yeah. I'm working on the rewrite of a book I wrote a couple of years ago, and I'm getting on towards done, so I'm pretty excited about it. I hope to send it to a publisher or 10 by the end of the school year. I'm at "good luck with that." So here's hoping [I get my ass in gear].
I read a lot, too, just not as much as I used to. I used to read ALL THE TIME. But that was before I started writing; since then, I've gotten far pickier about my reading material. It used to be that I would read anything I got my hands on....not so much anymore. This might sound conceited, but basically, I refuse to waste my time reading something in which the writing is of lesser quality than what I, myself, can produce. Good thing for me, I know that my writing isn't first rate. However, I know what's good and what's not, and I'm sorry, but some of that stuff just doesn't make the cut.
Anne Bishop, Rob Thurman, Laurell K. Hamilton, and Scott Westerfeld are all really good names. I love their material, and all for different reasons. (Obviously; they're all different writers, but you get the idea.)
I listen to music almost constantly. For instance, right this very second, I'm listening to Rise Against on http://www.jango.com/ because I love online radio stations. It gives me a chance to listen to music that I don't actually own. It also gives me a chance to find new awesome artists. I've already found a few. Anyway. I listen to most anything, so long as it's not obnoxious. The majority of rap and country make it into that "obnoxious" category, but not all of it. For instance, I really like 3Oh!3 and Ke$ha--the latter of whom is really more like, "hip hop" than rap, but whatever. And Eminem can be okay, too. I just don't listen to him a lot. As far as country goes, my parents like some country, so I do know that there is some worth listening to.
As far as favorites go, that's really hard to say. Partly, this is because of how much music I really listen to, and how much really good music there is out there. However, going on a handful of factors that I may or may not share with you, I would say that AFI, All Time Low, and Owl City are probably my current favorites... AFI has been for....what? 4 years? Something like that. I'm so excited for their new album out on the 29th I can barely live with myself. All Time Low and Owl City are new additions, but I love them loads. Owl City is just adorable. All Time Low... I don't know. There's just something to their music that I love with every particle of my heart. (Queue chuckle at cheesy line.)
As my radio station transitions from All Time Low to Three Days Grace, I'll decide to inform you that as of late, songs that have been making it onto my playlist a lot are: Prisoner--Jeffree Star (who will be a topic in later blogs); Remembering Sunday--All Time Low; aannnd.... Tik ToK--Ke$ha. I'm just stuck on them. But keep in mind, I have an 8G music player (which will come into discussion later, as well) and well over 100 CDs--personally--so I listen to far more music than that.
I've decided that since blogspot isn't blocked at school--and I'm not working all that much, nor do I do much at home--I'm going to try to blog every day. About what? Well...that'll depend on the day.
Mondays, I'll try to focus on music. What I'm listening to, who's putting out another album--and when, new CDs I've bought--plus what I think about them and etc., you get the drift. So now I've got Music Mondays...haha.
Tuesdays, we'll talk about........mmm.....celebrity figures that have caught my attention. Such as Jeffree Star. Or Davey Havok. We'll probably start with the latter. I'll let you know A) who they are, B) various info about them, C) who they're dating--no I'm kidding; I don't care--C) why I picked them, and D) why you should know them...which kind of fits in with C, but whatever.
Wednesdays, I'll cover books. What I'm reading at that given time. Don't be terribly surprised when it's the same book for multiple blogs. I'm not reading as much as I used to, due to the whole writing thing. It takes up a lot of my time. I'm trying, though. I'll do my best. Basically, I'll let you know what the book's about, who it's by, and what I think of it. As if you cared.
Thursdays.....you wanna talk about food? I can talk about food.... I'm good with food. We'll discuss food on Thursdays. Tastes good to me. (Or doesn't, haha.)
On Friday, I'll...figure something out. Fridays can be free. I'll just talk about whatever on Fridays because I can.
Granted, not that anybody really cares what a 16-year-old writer from Nowheresville, North Dakota might think about anything, but I'm bored, and I feel like sharing something with the world. C= Whether the world wants to know or not. So there. Because I'm defiant that way.
If I post anything on the weekends, who the hell knows what I'll have to say? I'm random, remember? I'll probably update on whatever else I forgot to cover during the week, or just bring up something completely random...or not so much. Who cares?
Until next time, with love,
--Emi Renae
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