Tuesday, November 24, 2009

It's Tuesday, But I'm Having Music Monday Anyway. So there.

Yeah, I know I missed Monday, but I just really don't care.  I'm going to have my spiel about a band today regardless.  I just fell in love with them and so I feel like talking about them.  So there.  See what insolence gets ya?  Yeah, exactly.

Black Veil Brides is a five-member "metal core" band from L.A. (CA, obviously) made up of Andy Sixx, Chris Hollywood, Sandra A, Pan and Ashley Purdy.  Although I just read that apparently C. Hollywood left for personal reasons.  I didn't bother to see what they were; the site's probably blocked regardless. =/  Well, that's depressing... oh well.  Anyway, they haven't really been playing all that long from what I can tell, but maybe I'm wrong.  There isn't a whole lot of information on them.  However, I really like their sound, and I'm frickin stuck on it.
Black Veil Brides--Knives and Pens
That's the song that got me interested.  I got it off of some random myspace friend's page in his music thing.  Fell in love, no joke.  It's slightly ridiculous.  I watch it multiple times a day.  I want to go watch it again... C=  hahaha.
And Andy Sixx is fucking sexy.  God, that man... I don't know what it is about the emo/scene/goth look that gets me, but it does it regularly.  Although it depends on the person wearing it, usually; there's just something you have to have in your aura to make it work, and some people don't have it.  Andy does.  Ohhhh, woooww Andy does.  Haahhhh... [swoon]  Haha.  But in all reality, he is really hot.  He has a super gorgeous smile.

And I rather enjoy the way he does his makeup.  Hehe.  He's the one in the middle, if you can't quite tell... The guy on his right kinda looks like a girl, but his jaw, chin, and hand--and perhsaps his lack of boobs--prove otherwise.  I mean, I know it's a guy and all, but... it's a little hard to tell... haha.  And the guy on the far right is wearing two belts... okaaay...

Anyway... Yeah, so that's my band for the week.  Watch the link. Because I said so.  And that's what matters after all, haha.

Until next time, with love,

"She screams for more...More than just some blue-eyed metaphor..."
--Hey Lady: Thriving Ivory

Post playlist (My music today):
Punk Bitch--3Oh!3 (Want)
Come One, Come All--All Time Low (So Wrong, It's Right)
Candles--Hey Monday (Hold on Tight)
Disaster--Hawethorne Heights (Fragile Future)
Sleeping at the Movies--Watchout! There's Ghosts (Ghost Town)

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