So it’s totally time for more album reviews because GUESS WHAT!! You’ll never guess. I’m just WAY too unpredictable for this game.
I bought new CDs. You didn’t call it, did you? I know. I’m just WAY too sneaky for this. Hahaha.
I’m also completely full of shit. Have you noticed? I’m sure you have. You HAVE to have.
Anyway, I only have 4 albums today. (I behaved myself! (If you can call buying 4 CDs at once ‘behaving’ anyway)) So let’s just jump right in, shall we?
Hot Chelle Rae: Whatever
Dear God, I love this album. It might very well be my new favorite. If you’ve been with me for awhile, you know this says quite a bit; if you’re new, 1) welcome! I’m glad to have you “) , 2) for an album to immediately jump to my favorites list says quite a bit. These newest 4 albums bring me to a total of—wait for it—354. Crazy, right? I know. It’s a little obscene, probably, but it’s a passion. Obsession. Same difference?
Hot Chelle Rae is infamous for “Tonight Tonight” off of their first album, which is great… but they put it on the new one, too. I mean, I guess I kind of understand why they’d do it, considering that everyone that likes “Tonight Tonight” is gonna buy this album, so it would make sense to put it on their next album, right? But having already been a fan of Hot Chelle Rae, it’s kind of annoying. Like, I don’t need this song twice, guys. I liked it once.
But anyway.
This is an alternative pop album, and a lot of people are gonna scoff and go “Dude, they’re on the radio; clearly they’re pop” but I very much beg to differ. The radio stations—at least around here—are making a migration toward alternative-pop, which is both cool and infuriating at the same time. Cool because it means a shift in culture. Infuriating because now my selection of upbeat music is being played for the masses on the radio and all the people I don’t like are listening to my music and singing it on karaoke and murdering it ruthlessly. Which… is miserable. That’s why I strayed from the pop scene to begin with. (I hate our radio stations.)
Anyway (again). This is an alternative pop album featuring love songs (Queue track 11: “The Only One” which is, go figure, absolutely adorable, and I rather adore it), dance anthems (Queue tracks 1, 6 and 10: “I Like it Like That”, “Whatever”, and “Beautiful Freaks”), and even a softer, slightly sad song (Track 8: “Why Don’t You Love Me”).
Also, Why Don’t You Love Me has female vocals in it, but I don’t know who it is. I don’t recognize her voice, so it’s probably not anybody I know. She has a very nice voice, though. It’s a beautiful addition.
Whatever is a fun, upbeat, yet powerful album that within just a few tracks made its way into my very favorites, and I foresee myself listening to this one for a very long time.
“I should say that I need you here, but I’m gonna party tonight cause Honestly, I just don’t care.” –Honestly
Punk Goes Pop; Volume IV
These albums are hilarious. I love them to pieces. This new one isn’t as good as some of the past ones have been, but it’s good nonetheless. Hardcore covers of pop songs. Fuck you (Cee Lo Green), Last Friday Night TGIF (Katy Perry), Rolling in the Deep (Adele), and Love the Way You Lie (Eminem ft Rihanna) are just a few that make the collection this time. Par for the course, I’m not familiar with some of the songs. Hahaha. I thought I’d gotten past this. I’m usually pretty good at keeping up with the Top 40, even though I don’t listen to the radio. (Don’t struggle to put 2 and 2 together, because I’m pretty sure they don’t.)
Also par for the course, I like some of the covers better than the original songs. One of my new friends, who goes by the name of Quincy, is on the same page as I am about it. We were listening to it last night and we got out of the car at Wal Mart and he goes “Is it pathetic that I’d rather listen to these punk bands than the actual songs?” Which actually made me really laugh because how many times have I asked that question?
My brother used to hate these albums. He actually really liked the original songs and it pissed him off when these bands covered them. I used that as an excuse to play the CDs more often. Which was probably really bitchy, especially considering that he used to change the music for me when I asked him to. The older I get, and the more I think about it, the bigger a bitch I realize I really was to my poor baby brother. I mean, we were really close and we got along beautifully when we weren’t fighting tooth and nail, which was probably about 50-5o, which is kind of sad. But… Fuck, I just never thought twice about it. I mean, it didn’t seem that damn bad at the time. And… now I feel awful.
I have so many regrets, you guys. So, so many regrets. About things I did, things I said, things I didn’t do or say, things I always meant to do/say but never got around to. I have so many regrets about things that probably didn’t matter in the long run. It still doesn’t feel real sometimes. Does that sound as depressing to you as it does to me? I had a dream last night that he was still here, but it was fucked up because I remembered what happened. That he shouldn’t be here. And I was so confused. But I wanted to embrace the whirlwind of confused moment I had with him. What’s really fucked up is that I can still feel a whisper of his arms around me and the echo of his voice in my head. It haunts me. I hate myself for having only a distant memory of his voice, for having to work to remember his face in entirety. For… well, just for everything, I guess.
I’m having a rough night, that’s all. I didn’t really mean to totally interrupt my post for that, but I guess… it just sort of happens sometimes. If I were smarter I would edit it out and keep it to myself, but somehow, I feel as though somebody is going to read that and it’s going to mean something to them, or change something, or maybe… I don’t even know. But I feel like it needs to be here so that even a world of strangers can understand that suicide isn’t just about someone being victimized. It’s a victim victimizing those who care about them, those they care about. I have been victimized by a victim of prejudice, of unfairness, of… myself, as much as it pains to say it. I know he loved me. But… I still feel like a horrible person.
Anyway. Getting back on with life…
Fearless Records Sampler (Punk Goes Pop Disc 2)
Fearless has taken to including sampler CDs with their compilation albums, which I rather enjoy. Because most of the time they’re pretty legit. I already have half the songs on the album this time (hahaha) but that’s beside the point. It’s a good sampler. I’m a fan. Breathe Carolina has been on the last few, which is perfectly acceptable, because they’re great. (=
I’m so distracted right now because I’m texting my daddy (at 2.17 am—yes, really, haha) and listening to my HCR album and sporting a stomach ache all at once. But I’m trying.
Family Force 5: III
Uhm… I’m really not sure why they named their album “III”. Like, yes, it’s your third album and all, but you guys can do better.
Quite frankly, I’m not even 100% positive why I even bought this. I haven’t listened to FF5 in ages because they got kind of annoying. And… though this album is better than the last one, it’s still slightly… meh. I don’t know. Like, I do like this band, but there’s something just slightly… off. And I don’t know what it is. Like, there’s too much computer in their music, or auto-tune, orrrr something. I don’t really know what.
I’m told they’re a Christian band, but as far as I can tell, there are no Christian themes in their music. It’s just… Christian-friendly. AS in there’s no cursing or drugs or sex. Or… whatever the fuck else is in secular music that makes it offensive. Don’t ask me. I clearly listen to it all.
Angels & Airwaves: The Love Album Parts One and Two
(The cover shown here is just for part one, but I could make any of the right links work. So. That's what you get.)
A&A is a side project of Blink 182’s vocalist, so a lot of their music carries strains of Blink. Also, there’s a portion of Blink music that’s borderline styles, which is really to be expected when 2/3 of your band is in a side-project that isn’t three worlds off from the original band. You know? (Like, there aren’t much for strains of AFI in Blaqk Audio because they’re different enough; A&A and Blink don’t have that distinction.)
As far as A&A albums go, this one is actually kind of soft. At least it starts out that way. Truth be told, I haven't listened to it all the way through yet. Oops. Too caught up in my HCR album! hahaha
Anyway. Even though I like Blink 182, I kind of feel like Tom DeLonge's voice is kinda better suited to Angels and Airwaves. Not like it isn't suited to Blink, because it obviously is. But I really really like it in A&A, and it has a tendency to be slightly annoying in Blink. Maybe Blink just annoys me? Dunno.
So I totally just learned that Matt Wachter is in A&A, which is significant because he used to be in 30 Seconds to Mars and I could've SWORN he still was... Because I was certain that Tomo Milicevic left, not Matt, but I guess not. Oh well. Interesting, anyway. Now that I know he's there, I can kind of hear his influence. (I was very, very into 30 StM for quite awhile. So I just hear these things.)
It's a good album. It's actually a double-disc album, with Parts One and Two on separate discs. I like them both. They're very A&A, and a few of the songs are borderline Blink-ish. Though, due to the nature of the vocals, you could probably make the argument that it's all borderline Blink-ish. But if vocals were all it took, then we'd all be in trouble.
I don't know why. Forget I said that. hahahaha.
Anyway, it's like, finals week for University, and I have WAY too much to accomplish in not enough time to validate blogging for you all. Procrastination at its finest, lemme tell you. Uff dah. Oh well. I'll get accomplished what I have to. I will probably be operating on single-digit hours of sleep by the end of the week, but that's beside the point.
So I'm out!
Ta ta!
--Emily Renae
I bought new CDs. You didn’t call it, did you? I know. I’m just WAY too sneaky for this. Hahaha.
I’m also completely full of shit. Have you noticed? I’m sure you have. You HAVE to have.
Anyway, I only have 4 albums today. (I behaved myself! (If you can call buying 4 CDs at once ‘behaving’ anyway)) So let’s just jump right in, shall we?

Dear God, I love this album. It might very well be my new favorite. If you’ve been with me for awhile, you know this says quite a bit; if you’re new, 1) welcome! I’m glad to have you “) , 2) for an album to immediately jump to my favorites list says quite a bit. These newest 4 albums bring me to a total of—wait for it—354. Crazy, right? I know. It’s a little obscene, probably, but it’s a passion. Obsession. Same difference?
Hot Chelle Rae is infamous for “Tonight Tonight” off of their first album, which is great… but they put it on the new one, too. I mean, I guess I kind of understand why they’d do it, considering that everyone that likes “Tonight Tonight” is gonna buy this album, so it would make sense to put it on their next album, right? But having already been a fan of Hot Chelle Rae, it’s kind of annoying. Like, I don’t need this song twice, guys. I liked it once.
But anyway.
This is an alternative pop album, and a lot of people are gonna scoff and go “Dude, they’re on the radio; clearly they’re pop” but I very much beg to differ. The radio stations—at least around here—are making a migration toward alternative-pop, which is both cool and infuriating at the same time. Cool because it means a shift in culture. Infuriating because now my selection of upbeat music is being played for the masses on the radio and all the people I don’t like are listening to my music and singing it on karaoke and murdering it ruthlessly. Which… is miserable. That’s why I strayed from the pop scene to begin with. (I hate our radio stations.)
Anyway (again). This is an alternative pop album featuring love songs (Queue track 11: “The Only One” which is, go figure, absolutely adorable, and I rather adore it), dance anthems (Queue tracks 1, 6 and 10: “I Like it Like That”, “Whatever”, and “Beautiful Freaks”), and even a softer, slightly sad song (Track 8: “Why Don’t You Love Me”).
Also, Why Don’t You Love Me has female vocals in it, but I don’t know who it is. I don’t recognize her voice, so it’s probably not anybody I know. She has a very nice voice, though. It’s a beautiful addition.
Whatever is a fun, upbeat, yet powerful album that within just a few tracks made its way into my very favorites, and I foresee myself listening to this one for a very long time.
“I should say that I need you here, but I’m gonna party tonight cause Honestly, I just don’t care.” –Honestly
These albums are hilarious. I love them to pieces. This new one isn’t as good as some of the past ones have been, but it’s good nonetheless. Hardcore covers of pop songs. Fuck you (Cee Lo Green), Last Friday Night TGIF (Katy Perry), Rolling in the Deep (Adele), and Love the Way You Lie (Eminem ft Rihanna) are just a few that make the collection this time. Par for the course, I’m not familiar with some of the songs. Hahaha. I thought I’d gotten past this. I’m usually pretty good at keeping up with the Top 40, even though I don’t listen to the radio. (Don’t struggle to put 2 and 2 together, because I’m pretty sure they don’t.)
Also par for the course, I like some of the covers better than the original songs. One of my new friends, who goes by the name of Quincy, is on the same page as I am about it. We were listening to it last night and we got out of the car at Wal Mart and he goes “Is it pathetic that I’d rather listen to these punk bands than the actual songs?” Which actually made me really laugh because how many times have I asked that question?
My brother used to hate these albums. He actually really liked the original songs and it pissed him off when these bands covered them. I used that as an excuse to play the CDs more often. Which was probably really bitchy, especially considering that he used to change the music for me when I asked him to. The older I get, and the more I think about it, the bigger a bitch I realize I really was to my poor baby brother. I mean, we were really close and we got along beautifully when we weren’t fighting tooth and nail, which was probably about 50-5o, which is kind of sad. But… Fuck, I just never thought twice about it. I mean, it didn’t seem that damn bad at the time. And… now I feel awful.
I have so many regrets, you guys. So, so many regrets. About things I did, things I said, things I didn’t do or say, things I always meant to do/say but never got around to. I have so many regrets about things that probably didn’t matter in the long run. It still doesn’t feel real sometimes. Does that sound as depressing to you as it does to me? I had a dream last night that he was still here, but it was fucked up because I remembered what happened. That he shouldn’t be here. And I was so confused. But I wanted to embrace the whirlwind of confused moment I had with him. What’s really fucked up is that I can still feel a whisper of his arms around me and the echo of his voice in my head. It haunts me. I hate myself for having only a distant memory of his voice, for having to work to remember his face in entirety. For… well, just for everything, I guess.
I’m having a rough night, that’s all. I didn’t really mean to totally interrupt my post for that, but I guess… it just sort of happens sometimes. If I were smarter I would edit it out and keep it to myself, but somehow, I feel as though somebody is going to read that and it’s going to mean something to them, or change something, or maybe… I don’t even know. But I feel like it needs to be here so that even a world of strangers can understand that suicide isn’t just about someone being victimized. It’s a victim victimizing those who care about them, those they care about. I have been victimized by a victim of prejudice, of unfairness, of… myself, as much as it pains to say it. I know he loved me. But… I still feel like a horrible person.
Anyway. Getting back on with life…
Fearless Records Sampler (Punk Goes Pop Disc 2)
Fearless has taken to including sampler CDs with their compilation albums, which I rather enjoy. Because most of the time they’re pretty legit. I already have half the songs on the album this time (hahaha) but that’s beside the point. It’s a good sampler. I’m a fan. Breathe Carolina has been on the last few, which is perfectly acceptable, because they’re great. (=
I’m so distracted right now because I’m texting my daddy (at 2.17 am—yes, really, haha) and listening to my HCR album and sporting a stomach ache all at once. But I’m trying.
Uhm… I’m really not sure why they named their album “III”. Like, yes, it’s your third album and all, but you guys can do better.
Quite frankly, I’m not even 100% positive why I even bought this. I haven’t listened to FF5 in ages because they got kind of annoying. And… though this album is better than the last one, it’s still slightly… meh. I don’t know. Like, I do like this band, but there’s something just slightly… off. And I don’t know what it is. Like, there’s too much computer in their music, or auto-tune, orrrr something. I don’t really know what.
I’m told they’re a Christian band, but as far as I can tell, there are no Christian themes in their music. It’s just… Christian-friendly. AS in there’s no cursing or drugs or sex. Or… whatever the fuck else is in secular music that makes it offensive. Don’t ask me. I clearly listen to it all.
(The cover shown here is just for part one, but I could make any of the right links work. So. That's what you get.)
A&A is a side project of Blink 182’s vocalist, so a lot of their music carries strains of Blink. Also, there’s a portion of Blink music that’s borderline styles, which is really to be expected when 2/3 of your band is in a side-project that isn’t three worlds off from the original band. You know? (Like, there aren’t much for strains of AFI in Blaqk Audio because they’re different enough; A&A and Blink don’t have that distinction.)
As far as A&A albums go, this one is actually kind of soft. At least it starts out that way. Truth be told, I haven't listened to it all the way through yet. Oops. Too caught up in my HCR album! hahaha
Anyway. Even though I like Blink 182, I kind of feel like Tom DeLonge's voice is kinda better suited to Angels and Airwaves. Not like it isn't suited to Blink, because it obviously is. But I really really like it in A&A, and it has a tendency to be slightly annoying in Blink. Maybe Blink just annoys me? Dunno.
So I totally just learned that Matt Wachter is in A&A, which is significant because he used to be in 30 Seconds to Mars and I could've SWORN he still was... Because I was certain that Tomo Milicevic left, not Matt, but I guess not. Oh well. Interesting, anyway. Now that I know he's there, I can kind of hear his influence. (I was very, very into 30 StM for quite awhile. So I just hear these things.)
It's a good album. It's actually a double-disc album, with Parts One and Two on separate discs. I like them both. They're very A&A, and a few of the songs are borderline Blink-ish. Though, due to the nature of the vocals, you could probably make the argument that it's all borderline Blink-ish. But if vocals were all it took, then we'd all be in trouble.
I don't know why. Forget I said that. hahahaha.
Anyway, it's like, finals week for University, and I have WAY too much to accomplish in not enough time to validate blogging for you all. Procrastination at its finest, lemme tell you. Uff dah. Oh well. I'll get accomplished what I have to. I will probably be operating on single-digit hours of sleep by the end of the week, but that's beside the point.
So I'm out!
Ta ta!
--Emily Renae
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