Tuesday, November 24, 2009

2 In a Day! Can You Believe It?

Yeah, so this is technically my free hour, only we don't have open campus so I'm stuck here.  It's okay, though.  I need the time to practice my flute solo for my all-state band audition--speaking of which, I need to find a vocal solo as well.  But I'm more concerned with my flute, because I already know for a fact that I won't be able to get into the choir.  There's not even a possibility for me.  I'd have to sing like Anika Leith, and that's just not possible.  Oh well.  C'est la vi.  (Such is life, for those of you who don't speak French.)

So my solo is in D Major, which, for a C instrument--like my flute and the tuba, I believe--has 2 sharps: F# and C#.  I don't like sharps.  I don't like them at all.  But I like the sound of the song... and I know I can play it if I practice enough.  I've already got the majority of it.  Well, the first half of it.  I can't play it too fast or anything, and I definitely still have flubs, but I'm still working on it.  I'm doing quite well for the amount that I've worked on it.  I'm not as good of a flute player as everyone makes me out to be, but I am pretty good.  I won't lie or be too modest here.  I play fairly well.  Anyway, the song is Polonaise and Badinerie by Bach.  I quite like it, actually.  I'm only playing Polonaise for my audition.  There's no way in hell I could play both for my audition.  It's too long anyway.  I'm going to try to for regional band in March (?) though.  I'll do my best... I may have to just play Polonaise though... I wonder if I can do that...?  I'll have to ask my instructor.  I'm pretty excited that I've got it going, though.  This is the song for anyone curious:
Polonaise and Badinerie--Bach
Wish me luck!

Until next time, With love,

"Save your heart for someone that's worth dying for--don't give it away."
--Save Your Heart: Mayday Parade

Post Playlist (still my music):
Lips Like Morphine--Kill Hannah (Until There's Nothing Left of Us)
Save Your Heart--Mayday Parade (Anywhere But Here)
Doctor--Cute is What We Aim For (Take Action! Vol. VIII)

It's Tuesday, But I'm Having Music Monday Anyway. So there.

Yeah, I know I missed Monday, but I just really don't care.  I'm going to have my spiel about a band today regardless.  I just fell in love with them and so I feel like talking about them.  So there.  See what insolence gets ya?  Yeah, exactly.

Black Veil Brides is a five-member "metal core" band from L.A. (CA, obviously) made up of Andy Sixx, Chris Hollywood, Sandra A, Pan and Ashley Purdy.  Although I just read that apparently C. Hollywood left for personal reasons.  I didn't bother to see what they were; the site's probably blocked regardless. =/  Well, that's depressing... oh well.  Anyway, they haven't really been playing all that long from what I can tell, but maybe I'm wrong.  There isn't a whole lot of information on them.  However, I really like their sound, and I'm frickin stuck on it.
Black Veil Brides--Knives and Pens
That's the song that got me interested.  I got it off of some random myspace friend's page in his music thing.  Fell in love, no joke.  It's slightly ridiculous.  I watch it multiple times a day.  I want to go watch it again... C=  hahaha.
And Andy Sixx is fucking sexy.  God, that man... I don't know what it is about the emo/scene/goth look that gets me, but it does it regularly.  Although it depends on the person wearing it, usually; there's just something you have to have in your aura to make it work, and some people don't have it.  Andy does.  Ohhhh, woooww Andy does.  Haahhhh... [swoon]  Haha.  But in all reality, he is really hot.  He has a super gorgeous smile.

And I rather enjoy the way he does his makeup.  Hehe.  He's the one in the middle, if you can't quite tell... The guy on his right kinda looks like a girl, but his jaw, chin, and hand--and perhsaps his lack of boobs--prove otherwise.  I mean, I know it's a guy and all, but... it's a little hard to tell... haha.  And the guy on the far right is wearing two belts... okaaay...

Anyway... Yeah, so that's my band for the week.  Watch the link. Because I said so.  And that's what matters after all, haha.

Until next time, with love,

"She screams for more...More than just some blue-eyed metaphor..."
--Hey Lady: Thriving Ivory

Post playlist (My music today):
Punk Bitch--3Oh!3 (Want)
Come One, Come All--All Time Low (So Wrong, It's Right)
Candles--Hey Monday (Hold on Tight)
Disaster--Hawethorne Heights (Fragile Future)
Sleeping at the Movies--Watchout! There's Ghosts (Ghost Town)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Oops... [scratches back of neck awkwardly]

It's kinda been awhile, hasn't it?  Oops.  I've been busy though.  So instead of just picking today's topic--which is what? writing? I think so--I'm just gonna cover all the bases.

I've had Flavor of the Weak by American Hi-Fi stuck in my head for days because it played on my pandora station.  Think of You Later (Empty Room) by Every Avenue is one I've loved for months since I bought my Take Action 2009 CD...  Hey Lady by Thriving Ivory just got really stuck in my head at work yesterday and I've been singing it since.  Bitch, Please by Jeffree Star gets stuck in my head periodically... actually, fairly regularly, not gonna lie, haha.  Aaaaand...Mayday Parade's "Anywhere but Here" album is 100% amazing.  I love every second of it.  I'm itching to get my hands on Every Avenue's new CD, "Picture Perfect" and Flyleaf's "Memento Mori," but I haven't been to Minot yet to get them.  And I probably won't be able to get EA's, but... I still want it.  Oh, and thanks to a friend on Myspace, I'm now really into a punk/screamo band called Black Veil Brides.  They're really good, if you're into that kind of music, which I definitely am.  They don't scream all the time, and Andy Sixx has a really nice voice.  And he's pretty cute, won't deny.  =]  hahaha.  No, but the song "Knives and Pens" is really addicting... I think I'm going to go listen to it again... Just not immediately.  Well...in a minute.  Oh, and there are a few pop songs on the radio that I've actually been pretty into lately.  I'm not certain what's up precisely, but oh well.  It's music, and if it's good, it's good; that's all there is to it, I guess.

Celebrity figures who've caught my eye recently... mmm... Andy Sixx, but mostly just because of the BVB video last night and he's cute and has a nice voice.  I really don't know much of anything about him.  [shrug] Perhaps a research project for a later date.  Anyone else?  Mmmm... Nah, not really.

Books.  I've restarted Laurell K. Hamilton's first Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter novel: Guilty Pleasures.  I didn't really like it when I very first started it, but I'm pretty into it now.  It's L.K. Hamilton; how couldn't I like it?  I mean, really.  She's brilliantly descriptive, fresh, fascinating and fun!  Haha.  Seriously, though, if you're into sex and gore very clearly spelled out in your books--sometimes somewhat vaguely simultaneously--then Laurell is an author you need to pick up.  She's brilliant.  I love it.  =)

Writing.  I'm still working on In the Midst of Musicians and...the other one about the chick touring with her brother's band.  It doesn't really have a title yet... I'll find one. Eventually...  But other than that?  Mostly I've been writing letters! Haha.  A couple of weeks, I sent off 9 letters all at once.  I think 5 of them went to Canada.  It was a lot of postage, to say the least.  $5.51 in postage I sent out that day.  Mhm.  It was worth it though.  What's funny is that 2 of the Canadians just got their letters yesterday.  It took almost an entire week extra.  It usually only takes 7 days to get from here to there.  And they both got them the same day because they live in the same place!  Haha...  I don't actually know the one person; he's a friend of a friend, but now I talk to him more than I talk to her--or most any of my other friends, I think--and definitely more than she does.  They just go to school together, mostly.  He's a real sweetheart.  Maybe I should shut up since I'm giving him the address to this blog and he has the tendency to follow links I give him.  Haha.  Oh well.  It's not like I've said much of anything very telling.  (=  At least I don't think so.

As far as anything else goes, well, I'm a cheerleader.  I'm not 100% certain what possessed me to try out, but I did... and so now I am.  I've only had one practice in which we ran and did leg/core/arm workouts, and only one muscle in my lower stomach is sore, and only when I'm lying in bed and then try to sit up or stretch or whatever.  It's great.  I'm not as much of a fat blob as I thought I was!  Haha.  Okay, so not a fat blob, but I'm still a blob.  I don't ever really do much of anything... but sit at the computer...and Mom pretty much hates it.  Oh well.

In other news, one of my friends dropped out of high school a month or two ago.  His mother signed for him.  What a fucking idiot.  In reference to both of them, actually, not gonna lie.  That family's been having issues lately...for about a year or a bit more... maybe more, because I think Brittany was still here when they really started... God, has it really been so long?  Not that that'll mean anything to you, but it does to me...  Jeez... that's like, 2+ years... And they just keep getting worse...
They're coming up for Thanksgiving now next week... I'm sorely tempted to slap him across the face when I see him, but I know I won't.  I don't have it in me for one, and Mom would be pissed.  Oh, goodness, I don't even want to think about what Mom would do to me.  Plus, I don't really want to piss him off within seconds of seeing him for the first time in about 3 years... God... I can't believe it's been 3 years... Ugh. [whine whimper whine]

Lemme see...what else can I tell you... Oh.  I woke up one morning with an insane urge to color... so I've been coloring steadily for about 3 weeks or so.  I'm hardly writing during school at all, unless it's a letter.  It's kinda ridiculous, actually.  Weird...  OH!  And I preordered Laurell K. Hamilton's next book in her Meredith Gentry series; it comes out on the 24th.  I didn't really need to preorder it, but I did anyway.  Haha.  Just because I really wanted to.  I WANT IT!  And I've got a few other people hooked on these books, too.  It's kind of funny, haha.  One of them is on the same book as me, the other has to finish the 3rd one yet, and then my best friend has yet to start the 3rd book because she moved... So...yeah...  I don't know...  I might bring it to Minnesota with me when I go in December so she can bring it back to me after Christmas.

Oh, yeah, by the way, my mom and I are taking the train out to Minneapolis the night of the 18th of December so that I can go see my best friend.  I'm so excited I can hardly stand it.  =D  So yes...  Haha.

But that's it!

Until next time, with love,

"She screams for more, More than just a blue-eyed metaphor."
--Hey Lady: Thriving Ivory

Post Playlist (windows media player)
I Can't Stay Away--The Veronicas (Hook Me Up)
Home--Kill Hannah (Hope For the Hopeless)
Queen of the Club Scene--Jeffree Star (Beauty Killer)
Break Your Little Heart--All Time Low (Nothing Personal)
One Day Too Late--Skillet (Awake)
In Pursuing Design--VersaEmerge (Take Action! Vol. VIII)
Sore Winner--There For Tomorrow (A Little Faster)
Awake and Alive--Skillet (Awake)
You're Not In on the Joke--Cobra Starship (Hot Mess)
Therapy--All Time Low (Nothing Personal)