Thursday, March 10, 2011

Le Premier Repas de la Journée

That's French by the way, in case you can't tell.  Thank you, Google Translate.  I've noticed that it's only moderately helpful sometimes.  It doesn't always give the words/phrases you want.  Ah well.  Lost in translation, right?  I don't speak French anyway.  I'll pick it up next year or something.

So breakfast.  This morning, I had Pop-Tarts, Reese's Puffs cereal, and a tiny cup of apple juice.  It's definitely not the healthiest breakfast I've ever eaten, but it did the trick.  I was hungry!  Consequently, I really didn't eat much at lunch.  Actually, probably not consequently.  I'm really not eating much at all these days.  I'm just not hungry.  It doesn't help that my digestive system is totally screwed up lately.  I don't understand.  Constant state of indigestion and stomach ache, and now my left kidney hurts.  A lot, actually.  That started up yesterday, I think.  I mean it's hurt before but now it hurts.  I'm unimpressed.  I probably have an issue.  I hope I can get my mom to set up a doctor's appointment or something.  See if anybody can really figure out what the deal is. hmph.
I forgot to take my vitamin this morning. =/ And yesterday. =/ =/  Damn.  I should take another of my other thing today, too.  It's pronounced acidopholus but I can guarantee it's not spelled that way.  It's the stuff that's in yogurt, but like, 100 servings worth of it.  According to my mother, anyway.

Soooooooo breakfast.  Apparently my friend from Alabama didn't know what Pop-Tarts were this weekend. O_O Yes, for real.  I was the only one of the entire group of us that could explain to him what they were, which was rather incredible to the guy from South Carolina.  Apparently it's weird that I would know how to describe such a thing.  I'm not quite sure how one would be unable to explain it. It's a Pop-Tart for pity's sake!

But that's all I've got.  I know I skipped pick-up lines yesterday, but it was actually kind of an accident.  I was going to post Monday-Wednesday all at once, but then I forgot to include Wednesday.  Oops.  My bad.  So I'm just moving on.  Tomorrow I'll hit you up with some weird news.  I've got some good stuff.  Come back. Promise.

Ta ta!

Post Playlist (courtesy of Pandora Radio and YouTube):
Fall to Pieces--Krystal Meyers
Awake and Alive--Skillet
Crush Crush Crush--Paramore
Playing God--Paramore
Fixed at Zero--VersaEmerge

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


It's weird to try and spell Wednesday like you'd hold it out while saying it because it's spelled weird.  I just noticed that...
I would have posted on Monday and Tuesday while I was in Orlando--I even brought my laptop--but internet at the hotel was $15/day, and I didn't feel like paying it.  And there wasn't time at the convention center while entering cards.  So I just didn't post.  I figured I'd get to it eventually; I just didn't realize that it was going to take me until today.  I kind of (naively) thought that I would be home earlier than I was last night.  Go figure.

So Music Monday.
I'm not really going to talk about what I've been listening to lately becaaauuuse there really isn't anything new.  But I'ma tell you about my musical experiences this weekend.
I participated in a flash mob! With a musical group--much like an adult version of a Glee Club--called SING.  It wasn't as legitimately awesome as a real flash mob since we only sang America for the Nat'l Rural Elec Coop Assoc (NRECA) annual meeting.  but it's all good.
Some country singer by the name of Lee Greenwood sang the national anthem, and some awkward version of the Pledge of Allegiance.  I don't know.  It's not that it sounded like crap, it's just that it was vaguely awkward.  Kinda cool in a way nonetheless.  I guess I just wasn't overly impressed because I don't like country music.  My mom said he used to have a really nice voice but he had to shake his head for his vibrato this weekend.  I don't know.  Apparently he also wrote that Proud to Be an American song, which I didn't know until my roommate told me this weekend.  Whoops.  Oh well.
The SING group was actually good, but they so didn't perform for their demographic--men/women living in mainly rural communities across the nation, in their late 50's-60's.  And they were singing Black Eyed Peas.  What?? I felt kind of bad though because they were really good.  Ah well.  The one guy--I think they said his name was Mike--had one of the most beautiful tenors I've ever heard.  I loved it.

But that's all I've got there.

So now we're on to Tuesday and the important literature for discussion.

I'm actually reading 2 different Laurell K Hamilton novels right now, one from each series.  Ironically enough, I think they're both book 8.  But one is the end of a series and the other is just partway through.  I'm also still trying to plow through Anna Karenina, but so far the only new development is that his farmer friend is in love with his sister-in-law--but I don't think he really is.  I think he's just decided that he should be so he's bound and determined to be.  God these people were weird--and would like to marry her. But that's all I've gotten besides really difficult to pronounce Russian names and mediocre prose.  Tolstoy is not my favorite author.
I have a bunch of books I'ma need to talk about but not tonight just cause I said so, including:
Shiver--Maggie Stiefvater
Linger--Maggie Stiefvater
Infinite Days--Rebecca Maizel
Fat Kid Rules the World--K.L. Going

Blue Moon: Laurell K Hamilton

Apparently Richard (the werewolf) is in jail in Tennessee, acused of rape.  Which is bullshit, because like Anita keeps saying, he's a "friggin boy scout".  Usually that's okay, but sometimes it gets him in trouble.  And he's so hard-headed sometimes.  If he weren't so sweet and sexy and all that I'm not sure I would like him.  But he has just as damn much attitude as she does, so it's difficult to really be too hard on him.  I've only read the first chapter of it so far--on a plane; go figure--so I'm not too certain how it's going to go, but I greatly appreciate Anita and her perspectives (and Laurell's writing style, without a doubt), so it's okay.

Divine Misdemeanors: Laurell K. Hamilton

I may have talked about this book already... I can't even remember.  How dreadfully sad is that?
Anyway. Merry is pregnant and still trying to work.  She's getting these weird cravings and mood swings and she's not terribly impressed by them.  Still having wild sex, though... hahaha. Go figure.  She's still really early though, so it's technically okay.  And they're Fae, so who the hell knows.  I'm not going to make any major comments about it.
There's apparently someone killing Fae in LA which is kinda weird since the mound is in St. Luis...I'm trying really hard not to give out spoilers just in case anybody's trying to actually read this series.  So that's all I can really tell you.  Because the rest of the plot information is too... well, wrought with spoilers.

Post Playlist (courtesy of Pandora Radio):

Thursday, March 3, 2011


So this is the one topic that I have yet to cover, so I'm going to do it now.
What I ate for breakfast this morning and why you should even care.

As a matter of fact, this morning I had to get up at 5 so I could be to the school by 6.  So breakfast was eaten on a bus.  But I did eat it!  So go me.

For breakfast this morning, I had a multivitamin with a drink of V8 Splash, most of an orange roll, and cherry yogurt.

The vitamin is because I don't eat regularly enough--or the right things when I do bother to feed myself--to get all the stuff that I need to be getting and so my mother insisted I start taking one.  So far I've been remembering, but... I'm sure I'll stop eventually. haha. I always do.
The V8 because it was left from a couple days ago.
My mother packed the roll and yogurt for me to bring with because it's easy to eat in transit.

Why you should care...
  • I'm attempting to be healthy(ish) and that's important.  Healthy people are happier people.  Happy people don't write crappy blogs.
  • Rolls contain sugar.  Sugar has some kind of link to B vitamins, which are necessary for your body's get-up-and-go power, of which I generally have very little.  This means that I will actually bother to write my blog during the day.  Which means you get to read it.  Which should be a good thing. haha.
  • Yogurt is good for you.  And so are cherries.  So now we're back to the health point.
Dude, I don't really know.  Just go with it. hahahaha.

That's all I've got!

Ta ta!
--Emily Renae <3

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pick-Up Lines

I just spent--literally--two minutes trying to come up with a cute/amusing title for today's post, but pretty much failed. Sorry.  I tried. I did.  You've gotta believe me.
Actually... no you don't. But I would rather you did.

Anyway.  Now that I'm done babbling (Hah! As if), let's get on with life.

Did you just fart? Because you blew me away.

I'm sincerely praying that this is strictly a joke and that no poor soul has ever tried to honestly use this as a legit line.  Beause it's probably the worst pick-up line I've heard in my life.  Well... maybe not the worst, but top 10.  For sure.
I'm not really sure what I would actually do if some idiot tried to use this on me.  I think I would probably stare in disbelief and then die laughing.  It might depend on how drunk I was, of course, but even completely smashed this wouldn't work.  I've obviously never tried it, but I just know myself that well.  Alcohol doesn't change a person that much.  For real.  Then again, I've never been blacking-out drunk or whatever, so I could be wrong.  I just like to think that I retain enough of my intelligence to manage evading shitty pick-up lines.
God. Did you fart.  Who the hell would have the balls to ask that?  For real?  And what would you do if she actually said yes? O_o  Ew?  I don't know.  I hope I never have to find out.

Muggle?  I don't know. You seem pretty magical to me.

Okay, coming clean, I totally came up with this one on my own.  This is my very own, hand-crafted pick-up line that... unless both parties are serious nerds, would never possibly work.  Also, it requires that the girl be wearing a Muggle shirt--as in a shirt that says "Muggle"--so it's kind of... well, the opposite of versatile. Restricted?  Whatever.  I seem to be having trouble with my vocabulary these days.  I don't really get it.  I still understand them all it's just that the words aren't quite coming to me like they should be.
I know it's corny and dumb, but I still kind of like it.  I think it's fun. haha.  Still, if someone ever tried to use this on me, I would laugh in their face and walk away.  It's not that cute/fun.

I'm not going to bother with discussing another.  Just because I'm in math class and don't really care.  Plus I'm tired and just slightly cranky so I don't wanna. haha.  I don't want to be in school today; I...don't even really want to be awake right now.  I have so much to do.

Okay, I suppose I could catch you up with my life a little bit. How about a nice bullet point list:
  • This is my last day of school for an entire week.
  • Tomorrow, I'm going to the state capital with the entire junior and senior classes (almost, anyway) to view the governmental action or some such a matter.  I don't particularly wish to go, but oh well.
  • I don't have school on Friday, and I have a speech meet in Glenburn that afternoon... From which I won't be home from until late.  Like, between 11 and 12 I'm sure.  I'm not really enthused.
  • Saturday morning, I fly out of Minot to Orlando, Florida with an hour layover in Denver.
  • Next Tuesday, I will leave the airport in Orlando at 10:30 (or so) in the morning with another layover in Denver eventually to finally (hopefully) return home at 10:10 p.m.  Which means that, again, I will be flying all damn day.  Ugh.  Oh well; it's worth it.
  • I have 57 days of school left, not counting what's left of today.  Quick math, that equals just over 11 weeks and just under 3 months.  Praise Jesus.  I'm so ready to be done.
  • I took 8th and 4th place in inform this weekend at the Shiloh Christian and St. Mary's Christian HS speech meets.  I also did really well in poetry, which is kind of funny because I'd looked at my piece a grand total of like, twice. haha. In the car. On the way there.  I guess I'd read through it enough to write an intro the night before when I had to type it up, but still.  So I'm hoping it goes well.
So that's my life in a nutshell.  My love life is prett much nonexistent, so that's why there's no mention of it. So there you have it. I'm moderately boringish.

Ta ta!
--Emily Renae <3

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Ta Da! Tuesday!

Today is not so very much ta-da factorness because I didn't bother to actually post anything yesterday and so this kind of equals fail-recompense. Sorry.  (I'm not convinced I used that word right, either.)
Anyway, since I'm in the mood and I'm in my math class and all, (not paying attention or anything because learning is all overrated and stuff after all), I'm going to cover the music I would've covered yesterday AND the literature I intend to cover today.
And since now I know that randomly people actually read this thing, maybe I'll try to be a little less weird.  Actually, no I won't, haha; what am I saying?

Music.  Let's see... Ah, yes.  Here we go:
Band: 2*Sweet
Album: Sleep Without Dreams

It was a gamble at Hot Topic this weekend.  It was $5, so I was cool with giving it a shot.  I initially thought that the band was called Sleep Without Dreams and the album 2*Sweet, but upon uploading it to my computer, it turned out I was mistaken.  Go figure; I should've known better.  I guess I just tend to go with the big words plastered across the front of an album...
Anyway, I was actually pleasantly surprised by it.  I'm not quite sure exactly how to classify it but I would try something like soft metal or softish hard rock?  That's really oxy-moronic, I know, but that's all I'm coming up with.  It's got the feel of metal music without the screech and... metal and stuff.
I don't think I know what I'm talking about. hahaha.

The other album I bought on Saturday IS:
Band: We Are the In Crowd
Album: Guarateed to Disagree

One of the songs on this album was on a compilation album that I bought one time... probably Take Action Vol. 9 but I can't really remember.  I'm pretty sure that's what it's on. haha.
Anyway, this is another female-fronted band to hit the alternative pop/rock/punk scene alongside Paramore's original fan-base, Hey Monday, Automatic Loveletter, aaaaaaand I just lost my other example. (Damn.)  They're really good, though.  They belong on the Girl Power station that I have created on Pandora for when I feel like listening to songs with attitude by female-fronted bands.
Okay, so the station isn't really "Girl Power" but mostly just because I haven't bothered to mess with it.  I've got a few stations that do that, though, so it's technically Girl Power.  Moving along.

And then!:
Transformers Score: Revenge of the Fallen
Composed by: Steve Jablonsky

1. Steve Jablonsky is probably my favorite composer right now.  I'm in love with the Transformers soundtracks, and I'm still trying to find the first one.  B&N is being really dumb and unhelpful though, so I haven't managed yet.

2. Soundtracks, with actual, legit bands and stuff (like Linkin Park, who did a lot of music for these movies) are cool and all, but I much prefer the score.

3.  This is probably my favorite venue for classical music.  I'm serious.  It's epic.  The emotions created and exploited by a good film score can make or break a movie, at least in my opinion.  The music they put in these movies keeps your blood pumping and your eyes glued to the screen, emotionally invested in the events that are going to unfold with or without your permission.  It's beautiful; it's intense; it's sexy.

Film scores are what I've taken to listening to when I get distressed or pissed off, or really just upset in general.  Listening to film scores calms me down and keeps me from blowing a fuse or crying or whatever.  I get all worked up about stuff.  Listening to classical movie music helps. At least something does.

Now I shall move on to literature, like today's blog was SUPPOSED to cover but I put off until, well, right now.

Burnt Offerings: Laurell K. Hamilton

This is the book that I mentioned last week (the week before?) that I lost and would have to rebuy... I wish that I could tell you I found it and all was well, but I didn't, so I can't. Unfortunately.  I had to buy it this weekend in Bismarck when I was there for speech competition.  Ah well.  It was pretty well worth it, I think.

Anita's life takes a few more disastrous tumbles (sorta) in this one.  I haven't finished it yet, but it's just as good as they've all been.  I won't lie; I miss Richard.  I do.  I understand the issues Anita faced with Richard and all, but... I miss him about like she does.  They're in their own personal failings and issues and beliefs and emotional ghosts.
But then, Jean-Claud has his own set of background issues too.  And he and Anita aren't exactly a perfect set either.

If you're going to read the Anita Blake series, make sure you do it in order.  It's important.  I suppose you could technically get by just picking up in the middle, but you really get more out of them if you know the background previously discussed in the novels leading up to the current.  I do recommend them, though.  They're compelling reads.  I neglected the series for awhile and found myself missing Anita and her attitude. haha. I'm a geek. I know.

A Brush of Darkness: Allison Pang

I just started this book onnnnnnnnnnnnn Sunday night I think?  Monday? Sunday... Yeah, Sunday.  (Long story; I'd prefer you didn't ask. You really won't wanna know anyway. Trust me.) Anyway.

It's another fantasy/action/romance novel--look at that cover and tell me you didn't guess the last in that sequence--about some chick who has a contract with a Fae (is that still correct if you're referring to a group of them? Dunno... *shrug*) only her Fae person has been missing for about six months.  And she really doesn't know what's going on.
So this incubus shows up and wants her to help him find his sister (who just happens to be a succubus if you hadn't guessed already) but... under the table? Sorta? I'm not certain yet.  I'm only in chapter 4! Gimme a break.
She has an enchanted iPod and a (horny) unicorn staying in her underwear drawer because she apparently somehow TouchStoned with it.  (Don't ask me what a TouchStone is; it's creative license with the plot info.  Just go with it.)  Anyway. Yeah.  It's really really funny, but vaguely awkward simultaneously.

So far it's been fun.  Rather amusing and fast-paced, easy to read, and nice to look at. Straight-up, yo. *cough*
Anyway, that's what I've got.  I've been trying to read Anna Karenina at random intervals just to get it read, but I still don't like it, sooo it's tking forever.  Ya know.  (I already wrote this once but the internet at this school is freakin retarded so I'm cutting it short this time.)  So I hope that eventually I'll get it read, but at present, the 8-Ball reads "outlook not so good."  Whoot. =/

Ta ta.
--Emily Renae <3