Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Titles Kinda Bite, Yo

I never know what to put for post titles.  Therefore, titles kinda suck, yo.


So in my last post I kinda ripped on Lady Gaga for being all over the damn place, if you don't recall.  Changing nationalities and job descriptions and character descriptions.  Stuff like that.

And now that I think about it, I feel kinda bad.  And I totally take it back.  (Most of it.)  Because for real, who the hell knows who they are these days?  I don't know anyone that legitimately knows who they really are.  I'm serious.  And who says we have to be one thing all the time, anyway?  I definitely don't know who I am, am going to be, have been, etc.  Throughout it all I've been me, though.  And throughout everything, she's been Gaga.
Quite frankly, Lady Gaga has the right to be whatever and whomever she feels like,even if that's not the same person today as it is tomorrow or was yesterday.  You know?  It's just not fair to make anybody be one thing all the time.  And then we complain when they are!  "I bought an album, not 12 tracks of the same song" people say.  But then we get mad when they actually are diverse?  I beg your pardon?  People are stupid and judgmental and confining and I'm getting really sick of it.  I've been around too many of them for too long and I think that's my problem.  We're the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with--did you know that?  It doesn't always come out quite that way, but in general, and most of the time, you would be surprised by how accurate a statement it really is.  If you're hanging around losers, guess what you're becoming.  If you're around motivated, dedicated people, you're more likely to be, if even simply just to keep up.  So on and so forth.  I wish some of my friends would figure this out.

Do me a favor and never lose sight of your morals and core values.  The stuff you believe in.  Don't give up on it just because the people you're hanging out with right now aren't into that kind of thing.  It really just leads to dissatisfaction and everybody deserves to be comfortable within their own skins.  I have friends that do things I'm not into, and they know I'm not into it, and though they may not understand or agree with it, they at least respect it.  Most of them.

So basically, be whoever you want to be.  Go where you want to go and see what you want to see.  Say what you need to say to whomever you may need to say it.  Keep in mind that you have to take care of you before you can take care of others.  At the end of the day, it's you you have to sleep with.

Oh.  and by the way.

Eat the damn cookie.  You're never as fat as you think you are, and one little cookie is not going to make or break you.  Promise.

--Emily <3

Thursday, June 2, 2011


I just started a new job at one of the convenience stores in town, and they have a boombox through which they play the radio in the store because the stereo system is down.  As if it weren't bad enough, it's on the country station.  I don't like country to begin with, and this dumb station only plays 13 songs with the occasional relief song.

Quite frankly, if I may have liked any of these artists even a little beforehand, I definitely don't like them now.
Taylor Swift, for example.  Put out a few good songs.  I didn't mind her so bad.  I could handle a Swift song here and there. But I have had to listen to "Mean" 4 times every single freaking day all freaking week, and I'm about ready to strangle somebody.  I came up with at least 2 violent parodies (toward the boombox; neither end well for the poor thing) to the chorus yesterday.
As if Mean four times a day weren't enough, they play this really really awful song that I think is probably called "Country Girls Shake it For Me" but I don't even give a shit what it's title is the song is so goddamn bad.  I HATE that song.  You can't even fathom the extent to which I hate that song.  It makes me embarrassed to live outside of a city, almost.  It's... just... bad.  It's just bad, okay?

A couple of the songs that play aren't so bad.  But, go figure, they're the ones that only play twice--maybe 3 times--a day.  And I don't even know what they are.  I don't do country music to begin with.  The radio is all that makes work slightly agonizing.  I have to be there at 6:30 every day and the radio is what makes work agonizing.  How pathetic is that?

And then there's some song where she's like "I showed my daddy my tattoo and he cried but said he loves me anyway" and it's like.. what??  Jesus Christ, woman.  I don't even know.  I just don't get country music.  It's not all bad.  Really. I know that.  But I am past sick of it.

Granted, listening to one of the pop stations really wouldn't be a whole lot better, because they play 26 pop songs all day long every day.  But at least they break up the regulars with old stuff and requests and less obnoxious commercials and have MUCH less obnoxious DJs.  Uggghhhh.

So basically, my point is that even though sometimes radio can make an artist... they can do a really damn good job of breaking one, too.  I don't know if I'll ever really be able to listen to T Swift again.  Not without practically hating her, anyway. hahahaha.  For one agonizing summer job.  Oh boy.

So that's all I've got for the day.  I know I haven't been talking about anything in my original plan, and I'm sorry that I've been actually going on about my own life lately, but I'll get back into my routine.  This happens when life drastically changes for me.  Oh well.

Ta ta.
