Friday, July 22, 2011


Normally, I don't post my writing in my blogs.  I have writers' forums and stuff for that.  But todayyyyy I think I'ma do it anyway.  So here goes.

So many people hate goodbyes
because they feel just too damn final
and quite frankly
the bye is never good.
And we hold too much inside ourselves
to say goodbye so permanently
without letting them in on the secrets
we hate keeping
but most certainly cannot tell.
When goodbye's been said
and we're left on our own again
we fill with longing for something
we don't have access to--
A secret shared
among friends we seem to've lost.
But I didn't get to say goodbye
and I never got to share my truths
my secrets, lies, or stories
because I woke up
and he was gone without a trace.
I broke apart into a thousand pieces.
The cracks all met and broke me
into a disaster I couldn't recognize--
didn't want to--
but I didn't get goodbye.
Goodbyes are rarely easy
even rarely are they pleasant.
They are too fucking final.
The bye is never good.
But closure...

There is none.

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