Saturday, September 19, 2009

Without You?

You know...I've seen so many people go on and on about how their blog or whatever simply couldn't go on and couldn't exist without followers/readers/whatever and blah blah blah so thanks for reading and caring and blah blah blah.

Honestly?  One: yes, your blog could go on without them.  Trust me.  Mine does.  Although I think I actually have one follower now...But I'm not so sure about him, because he's following like, a million other blogs.  Oh well; whatever. Beggars can't be choosers.  Two: people who follow you don't actually want to notice that your blog's been updated, just to get excited and then find out that...oh.  he's just thanking me for reading.  Well, that was a waste of time.  Trust me.  We've been there.  I mean, to sneak in a "Hey, thanks for reading and commenting" once in awhile is fine--great, even, because it means you think about it when you're doing whatever.  It's just... I don't know.  To me, it seems more meaningful.

But I guess that's my opinion.  And I'm only in high school, after all.  And since when does anyone really care about what teenagers have to say or think about a subject/topic?  Precisely.  Which is why I can write this and not really care.  Because no one's going to read it and be offended.  And if they are?  Well... their loss for being so easily offended, I suppose.  I'm not trying to be rude or offensive at all.  Just speaking an opinion over here.  I do still have the right of free speech right?  That's what I thought.  (I know that I also have to take responsibility for the reaction to my opinions and declarations, because that's the other half of free speech.  And I'm good with that.  Honest.  I'll take the heat for something I believe in.

If you can't stand up for what believe in, then what good are you?

Until next time, with love,

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